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twoleftfeet 8:27 Sun Dec 10
I hate Shami Chakrabaty.
I fucking loathe this bitch.

A Tory MP says all British Jihadists should not be allowed back into this Country and if he had his way they would be exterminated.

I imagine 80% of British people would agree with this.

Up steps the ISIS lover Shami and says no this is wring they should be allowed back and made to stand trial.

Yes that’s right stick them in prison for 6 years where they preach more hate.

This bitch drives me mad and her fucking portrait hangs in the entrance of the portrait gallery in London like she is some sort of British icon.

Fuck off you stupid fucking bitch.

Sorry, just pissed me off.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 7:03 Wed Dec 13
Re: I hate Shami Chakrabaty.
This Livingstone that was 'already suspended from the Labour Party'. STILL not been expelled, has he?

mashed in maryland 6:52 Wed Dec 13
Re: I hate Shami Chakrabaty.
But you were trying to make out that "British socialism" was some sort of divine and benevolent form of the ideology. I'm showing you evidence that it isn't and it's really just the same as all the rest. No point in trying to twist red kens words; they're right there.

The only difference between the world's experiments with socialism is the number of innocent people murdered. And since this varies in the tens of millions it's fair to say that it's a shit ideology. And the fact one of Britain's most prominent socialists thinks that the reason Venezuela's went to shit was cos not enough people were killed should tell you all you need to know.

If you choose to vote for someone who espouses it you have no right to pop off at anyone who's a neo-nazi or religious nutjob tbh.

the exile 5:18 Wed Dec 13
Re: I hate Shami Chakrabaty.
Double fuck me sideways, mashed. OK, now if I were speaking to you I would now be saying "Watch my lips." But here are a few key words from my last post: loose ideology, applied to a varying extent, different cultural and historical contexts, different leaders who put their own stamp on it, you...inexcusably simplistic and moronic.

So, a tiny amount of progress was made, in that you admitted that it isn't always the same. Phew. But why, why, why, in the context of a discussion about British socialists/Jeremy Corbyn, would you keep on banging this drum about socialism always ending up with huge numbers of people being murdered or doomed to a lifetime of hardship? Do you seriously believe that Corbyn is going to turn into a modern-day Stalin? He wouldn't even implement anything like full-blown socialism, whatever that is. We would not cease to be a western capitalist democracy. Just like Norway and some of the other Nordic countries, as I pointed out earlier, we would implement SOME socialist policies, e.g. removing austerity from ordinary people and shifting the burden of taxation to the wealthy and the big corporations, closing all the tax loopholes that allow vast amounts of wealth to be siphoned out of our economy, etc etc. You have clearly been out of this country too long and listening to too many thick, paranoid yanks. For at least 50% of Americans, socialist = bogeyman.

As for the Ken Livingstone thing, your "not enough people were mudered" line is fucking insane.
1. He almost immediately retracted what he had said (you never done that?).
2. He is a well-known maverick, always putting his foot in it - the Labour equivalent of Boris Johnson. Hardly anybody takes him seriously these days.
3. At the time of the quote he was already suspended from the Labour Party.
4. He was talking about Chavez's failure to deal with the corrupt oil oligarchs in his country, which is one of the main reasons why his government eventually failed. Being corrupt himself, he thought he could cosy up to them but predictably, they collectively turned on him.

Now, I have really had enough of responding to all this utter bollocks. I suggest you fuck off back to your Year 6 history lessons.

After8 5:16 Wed Dec 13
Re: I hate Shami Chakrabaty.
The interesting thing is whether we also maxed out our voting numbers. I am wondering if the UK is becoming more polarised like the US is and that close elections will become the norm.

Part of me says that we'll have a new leader and therefore can combat the inevitable change argument while Labour will have Corbyn still.

After8 5:16 Wed Dec 13
Re: I hate Shami Chakrabaty.
The interesting thing is whether we also maxed out our voting numbers. I am wondering if the UK is becoming more polarised like the US is and that close elections will become the norm.

Part of me says that we'll have a new leader and therefore can combat the inevitable change argument while Labour will have Corbyn still.

, 5:05 Wed Dec 13
Re: I hate Shami Chakrabaty.
Lol at Gordon Brown in a dress. To me the Labour party in terms of voter share maxed out at the last GE. I agree with you that almost any other Labour leader would be doing better in comparison right now.

After8 5:01 Wed Dec 13
Re: I hate Shami Chakrabaty.
Comma May was a disaster. She can't campaign or communicate effectively. She's Gordon Brown in a dress.

The government has had a terrible few months. Any opposition worth it's salt should be in front consistently by now. Even Miliband managed to do that.

, 4:43 Wed Dec 13
Re: I hate Shami Chakrabaty.
A8, surely the point about the last election is that despite Labour having an uber twerp as a leader [ and I recall such as you being bullish about going to the country and smashing labour for a generation even though an election was not absolutely necessary ] May played like Antonio in the last minutes at Palace and lost a winning lead.

Corbyn is poor to inept but the way your government is performing they are still not running away with things in the, much derided, opinion polls.

After8 4:07 Wed Dec 13
Re: I hate Shami Chakrabaty.

Our manifesto was a disaster but it says something that "The Absolute Boy" couldn't win and hasn't been able to secure a commanding polling lead despite our woes this summer.

Labour only win elections when they have a politically savvy leader in tune with the nation.

Side of Ham 2:37 Wed Dec 13
Re: I hate Shami Chakrabaty.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 2:04 Wed Dec 13
Re: I hate Shami Chakrabaty.
, 8:48 Tue Dec 12

'Norway set up a sovereign wealth fund in order to benefit from NS oil and gas revenues. Care to speculate as to why the UK never did the same?'

Comma, do you think it might be that Norway, with similar oil revenues to the UK has a population of 5.2 million compared with the UK's 65.6 million?

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 2:01 Wed Dec 13
Re: I hate Shami Chakrabaty.
the exile 11:28 Tue Dec 12

And yet those eye witness reports (actually only one witness who would give a name) are totally at odds with what Corbyn himself claimed.

Mind you, here's the timeline of his ever changing story:


That's from the HuffPost - politically, and barring the Morning Star, about as far away from the Daily Mail as you can get.

mashed in maryland 1:43 Wed Dec 13
Re: I hate Shami Chakrabaty.
the exile 1:11 Wed Dec 13

"what the fuck has that article got to do with British socialism? It's about Venezuela."

False. It's about a prominent British socialist saying that the reason Venezuelan socialism doesn't work is because not enough people were murdered.

Socialism across the board isn't always exactly the same, you're correct on that. However one thing which is true in almost every case is that huge numbers of people are murdered and even more are doomed to a lifetime of hardship unseen in any western capitalist democracy.

If you don't acknowledge that then you either don't have a year 6 understanding of world history, or are fully aware of it and don't care. Either way: you're wrong.

Willtell 1:16 Wed Dec 13
Re: I hate Shami Chakrabaty.
FMOB the exile!

Did you not see in that article that Ken Livingstone, a British socialist ex MP & Mayor of London, was advocating murdering people and I couldn't even be bothered to read past the headlines!

the exile 1:11 Wed Dec 13
Re: I hate Shami Chakrabaty.
mashed - what the fuck has that article got to do with British socialism? It's about Venezuela. If you read on to the end you'll find people from the British Labour Party making sensible comments on the situation and calling Maduro to account. Chavez and Maduro fucked up for all sorts of reasons, not just because their regime was socialist.

Again, you're totally failing to see that socialism is not ever going to be the same in different countries and at different times in history. It's a loose ideology that can be applied to a varying extent in different cultural and historical contexts and by different leaders who are inevitably going to put their own stamp on it, for good or ill. For you to lump all of these possible contexts and scenarios together as one simple entity is inexcusably simplistic and moronic. It's extremism, exclusivity and intolerance that are evil and destructive, whether they are dressed up as socialism, communism, fascism or religion.

Side of Ham 1:11 Wed Dec 13
Re: I hate Shami Chakrabaty.
Thing is Ray a lot of what you believe is probably the right thing to do it's just humans being the cunts they are rarely compromise from those with an opposing view.

Between the two main parties is the solution to all this countries problems i'm sure of that, both of them have great ideas and sometimes the best solution is a bit of both which they will never agree on hence it's a continual shambles always looking in the past to throw blame at each other to then get in power to make their fuck ups

The need for total power from each side is what fucks this country up... oh and the fact nearly all of the cunts don't see the problems on a daily basis.

Party/Pick a side politics is killing this countries infrastructure.

Willtell 1:10 Wed Dec 13
Re: I hate Shami Chakrabaty.
Seconded ray...

ray winstone 12:54 Wed Dec 13
Re: I hate Shami Chakrabaty.
Well I guess that makes me a cunt then......

Side of Ham 12:51 Wed Dec 13
Re: I hate Shami Chakrabaty.

Side of Ham 12:51 Wed Dec 13
Re: I hate Shami Chakrabaty.
Yes Ray picking a side in politics and sticking by it (RED vs BLUE) is outdated and a cunty thing to do.

Your outlook and those who have the opposite views on running things are nothing but a playground 'he said, she said' load of bollocks which gets nothing solved and has stopped the real questions getting broached in order to move forwards.All each party want to do is LIE to get into power to then fuck it up and blue the previous lot.

Look at Khan trying to blame Boris purely because he was a Tory on the OS debacle when the main culprits were the ones who actually signed unto shit before he came in to fuck it up further.

THEY ARE ALL SHIT and none of them come from our way of life.

ray winstone 12:36 Wed Dec 13
Re: I hate Shami Chakrabaty.
''he tried to bribe the electorate with four new bank holidays''

Interesting take on election pledges that, almost everything the Tories 'tried to bribe' the electorate with has turned to shit, no ifs, no buts.........

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